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    • 7 O’Clock Club

      The 7 o’clock club is a rather informal gathering of any members prior to the main event on ALTERNATE  Thursday evenings. We might make a start up to 10 minutes earlier if possible, but feel free to turn up when you can.

      Co-ordinator John Mallows aims to hold  sessions where members can join in with opinions and experiences, with  occasional technical presentations (volunteers welcome).

      Topics will be announced at main meetings, on In-Focus and sometimes on  the Club’s web’s front page.  Updates will be posted here on this forum – subscribe for email notifications.

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    • 1 year, 4 months ago


    • Audio Visuals (AVs)
      Audio Visual is about combining photographs to tell a story, enhancing the images with music, narration and other sound effects. This forum is for any posts related to AVs.
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    • 1 year, 6 months ago


    • First Tuesday Group

      This forum is for posting up comments, suggestions for meeting ideas or links related to our more practically orientated monthly meetings, which have now restarted, as per the details below. The First Tuesday Group meets at The Victory Club, Burlington House, Lypiatt Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2SY at 7:30pm

      The next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th December 2022.

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    • 1 year, 8 months ago


    • Items for Sale or Wanted
      If you would like to sell some of your camera gear or books on photography to other club members, please use this forum. Likewise, if you are looking for equipment you can ask the members who may be able to help.
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    • 1 year, 5 months ago


    • Modelography
      The Model Photography (Modelography) group is run by John Mallows and Nigel Pain . Sessions are held in a studio or on location, sometimes in an urbex format.  Events will be monthly as far as possible and, if in a studio, on the 3rd Tuesday evening of the month. Models will be of various ages, experience, styles and gender. Sessions  are open to all club members, not just those subscribing to the forum. But for studio use a  degree of technical competence with studio kit is desirable.  Instruction can be provided e.g.  immediately before  sessions. There will be charges, kept as low as possible, when a studio or a full / part time model is used. Announcements will be made on the forum, at meetings and In Focus. Contact (email) modelography at cheltenhamcameraclub.
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    • 1 year, 9 months ago


    • Nature Group
      Karin Wilson and Janice Clark lead a sub-group that specialises in Nature photography. The group meets regularly and arrange outings. This forum is intended to be used by anyone in the club that is interested in Nature photography.
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    • 1 year, 1 month ago


    • Studio Group
      Jim Sharrock and John Mallows run the Studio Group. The group hire a professional studio and models and share the cost. Lighting equipment is provided by the studio. This forum is intended to be used by anyone in the club that is interested in joining the group or for discussions on Studio photography in general.
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    • 3 years ago
