Welcome Forums Forums The Coffee Bar Dowdeswell reservoir

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  • AndyR
      Post count: 36

      They have drained the reservoir for maintenance leaving next to no water in it. Ive never seen it this low and considering that ive seen it flooded over the main road back in the 80s when i lived at Andoversford its quite a sight now its drained. I parked along by the bottom of Dowdeswell hill and walked along the entire length of it and took quite a few pics.  Im hoping next weekend to walk around the back of it as well. There are quite a few birds there including Cormorants and some Herons stood looking at the water wondering where their dinners gone. I wondered how they will refill it when the works completed. Or will it be left to refill naturally. Its certainly worth going to have a look its quite a sight.

        Post count: 36
          Post count: 237

          Andy, I had seen this in the Echo but was not intending to visit until I read your post. This morning I parked at the Andoversford end (room for 4-5 cars and took the path towards the reservoir which I knew went along the back of the reservoir. The first part was surprisingly muddy, but I used my monopod as a walking stick and got through. There are only a few points that you can access the edge of the reservoir and it is well shielded by trees and shrubs for most the length. This side would be best for early morning and late evening (at least in the Summer). I decided not to retrace my steps and walked back to my car via the A40. It was easier to photograph over the fence from about halfway along and I also saw a couple of Grey Herons and a Cormorant. The sun was then behind me which was better. I did take old shoes but wished I had put my boots on. With the rain forecast over the next few days, it will get even muddier.

          Thanks for the tip.


            Post count: 36

            Dave yes it can get pretty muddy in there been in there many a time. I did think about walking up throu Lineover woods which you get to by going up the path/road right on the bend by the what was the pub on opposite side of the road. You get a good view looking down on to the reservoir. Dont know if youve been up throu there you can also access it from the top off the road by Peggelsworth. which is the road that runs up from The Kilkenny to Seven springs. Some of the trees in the woods are 600 plus years old.  From the A40 entry there is a small car park as well. Ive never worked out why they havent put a crash barrier on that bend many have gone off and ended up in the field next to the pub over the years a lad i knew in my 20s sadly was killed there .

              Post count: 237

              The bend has been straightened out compared with 30 years ago. I used to play Squash at Rossley Manor nearby and we always stopped at the Pub which was called The Reservoir. I recall the Landlord told a story about one night a car went off the road at that bend. It was appalling weather and the Landlord was away but left his brother in charge. He realized that there was a crash and eventually invited a shocked young couple (from the crash) in and sat them by the fire with a brandy. He noticed that there were many police cars etc. He called the police himself and they wanted to know if anyone was in the car. So, he told them there was a young couple and the policeman said but where are they now in The Reservoir he replied. The couple were picked up by a relative, but the Landlords brother noticed much continuing activity and huge lights set up to illuminate the Reservoir and many additional vehicles. Around dawn a senior police office knocked on the door and said we have had frogmen searching all night and they have found no trace of the couple.  They then both realised the misunderstanding and the Landlord asked him to apologize to the frogmen and other recue staff. The Senior policeman said that is no problem as it is good training for them, but it has made a £10,000 dent in my budget!!!

              It was a good pub to visit in those days and The Landlord rarely called time before the last customer left. I understood that the police knew this but, unlike pubs in town, there was never any trouble, so they looked the other way.



                Post count: 237

                The bend has been straightened out compared with 30 years ago. I used to play Squash at Rossley Manor nearby and we always stopped at the Pub which was called The Reservoir. I recall the Landlord told a story about one night a car went off the road at that bend. It was appalling weather and the Landlord was away but left his brother in charge. He realized that there was a crash and eventually invited a shocked young couple (from the crash) in and sat them by the fire with a brandy. He noticed that there were many police cars etc. He called the police himself and they wanted to know if anyone was in the car. So, he told them there was a young couple and the policeman said but where are they now in The Reservoir he replied. The couple were picked up by a relative, but the Landlords brother noticed much continuing activity and huge lights set up to illuminate the Reservoir and many additional vehicles. Around dawn a senior police office knocked on the door and said we have had frogmen searching all night and they have found no trace of the couple.  They then both realised the misunderstanding and the Landlord asked him to apologize to the frogmen and other recue staff. The Senior policeman said that is no problem as it is good training for them, but it has made a £10,000 dent in my budget!!!

                It was a good pub to visit in those days and The Landlord rarely called time before the last customer left. I understood that the police knew this but, unlike pubs in town, there was never any trouble, so they looked the other way.



                  Post count: 36

                  Dave yes ive a few sessions in there girl i was “involved” with back then worked there, havent seen her for years althou Sandy Fothergill who also lived in Andoversford works with her or did up until a few years ago to my knowledge . Her parents won the football pools back in the 70s they owned the now disappeared paper shop in Andoversford. (The young lady i knew not Sandy) Fascinating story about the young couple thankfully they lived another day. During WW2 way before my time obviously i read that 10 American servicemen lost their lives in a crash in thick fog  along by Eastend garage . They were either on their way or coming back from a night out in Cheltenham. Their bus crashed into a lorry and caught fire.

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