Welcome Forums Forums The Coffee Bar Car parking at meetings.

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  • JohnC
      Post count: 84

      I’m not sure how many of the Committee read this forum but could I please make a plea to them.

      Can they please press the point to the members that they ALL park with consideration for others at the Holy Apostles Hall.

      It sometimes looks like members have driven in off the main road, turned off the ignition and left the car where it happened to come to rest :-).

      Last night there were gaps in between the parked cars where several others could (almost!) have been parked.  I’m pretty sure that we don’t all need to leave a space of at least 3 metres all round the car.  Perehaps there was something I missed in the ‘socially distancing’ advice that applied to cars 🙂 ?

      Rant over. Just had to get it off my chest!



        Post count: 237

        John, I always park in the next available space irrespective of whether it is my ideal spot. As I arrive fairly early I can normally park in the single line adjacent to the Church or in the front row of the middle area. It is common  sense and I know one of the Gloucester visitors was concerned about parking and parked in the road. Oddly, while we reserve a space for the judge/speaker, the last few have not used it which wastes a space so perhaps we need to emphasise the reserved parking to speakers/judges.

        Probably needs something in the next Newsletter.


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