Welcome Forums Forums Photography – Help and Advice Advice requested on Nikon (or otherwise!) MB-D17 Battery Grip please.

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  • JohnC
      Post count: 84

      Are there any D500 users out there who have any observations on the MB-D17 Battery Grip, please?

      I am amazed at its cost of £350. I can only assume that it may be gold-plated :-).

      Does anyone have any experience of any of the copycat models – Meike/Neewer etc?

      Many thanks.


        Post count: 237

        John, I do not have a Nikon myself nor have I ever bought a battery grip but you might ask Martin Fry, Des Ward or Richard McCleery as I believe all three may have owned a D500 at some time though I think all or most have now moved on to lighter ML cameras. £350 does seem expensive.


          Post count: 84

          Thanks, Dave.

          Will send them individual emails.

          (Which brings me to the point of, I wonder why the forum doesn’t appear to be used very much? 🙂 )



            Post count: 36

            I have read issues concerning third party batteries in grips on the D850. £350 is alot maybe Grays of Westminster have a S/H one listed on their website still be expensive thou. Have a look at London camera exchange S/H page also MPB which are pretty good for S/H stuff. On the forum front i certainly dont think it would hurt to remind our membership of it and to use it.

              Post count: 84

              Thanks, Andy.

              Yes, been looking at the various sites for a secondhand one but still dithering. Not sure how good/bad is the battery drain so I reckon I will keep an eye on that and take the decision then. There’s probably only a few times a year when I take a large number of photos in one session so the miser in me says that it only takes a few seconds to change a battery so is a battery grip really worth it?



                Post count: 237

                With my Canon 5D4 I could take well over 500 shots with a fully charged battery and the battery would drain slowly if the camera is not used due to GPS. Even so the charge only reduced at 0.5% per day. The only time I get more rapid battery drain is using live view which does limit the battery but I always carried a fully charged spare.

                I am now mainly using a Sony ML which certainly can cope with 500 images for a shoot which I have come close to a couple of times this year. I have always carried a spare but never had to use it yet.


                  Post count: 36

                  I think you can achieve a slightly increased FPS rate when using a grip and a genuine battery in it, althou it wont be many over the normal FPS.

                    Post count: 84

                    Yes, there seems to be a suggestion of that, Andy but hey – who’s worried about a small increase over 10fps 🙂 ?

                    I have been using a D7100 (several years old, obviously) and the only criticism I had was that it would only take about 3 raw before the buffer was full and then you’re stuck until it clears. The D500 is a relative heaven!

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