Welcome Forums John Clare – Porfolio Critique Killarney Races Reply To: Killarney Races

    Post count: 174

    Hi John,

    I think this is a great picture that really captures the excitement of the day. The interest is all in the faces as you intended, and the large area of the stand behind them adds nothing for me. I think I would crop the top quite hard, maybe just above the lights, to leave a strong letterbox image. I think I would also use the skew tool to pull out the top LHS and straighten the edge of the shed thing. That should also straighten the writing at that side as well. Then I would remove the vertical yellow line that surrounds the writing at the LHS so that it balances with the right. You could clone it out, although cropping off the bright edge of the shed might do that for you as well.

    Best regards,
