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    These family photos can be very important. For our wedding we could not afford an expensive photographer but the Echo would provide a photographer free providing you agreed to them publishing some photos. The only other snag was that they only promised a minimum of ten shot and all in B&W. The Echo sent Norman Preece the chief photographer who I later got to know; he took 13 excellent shots. A few relatives took some shots but they all turned out to be blurred or heads/feet cut off. Forty years later we received a package from a cousin who was clearing out his father stuff following his passing; his father had attended the wedding. I then recalled that he had an SLR. The package contained  36 slides of the wedding for which we were most pleased with as our 40th anniversary was imminent.

    In general, I recommend good quality photobooks for a lasting record. I am assuming that, once I go, my slides and negatives will all be thrown away. The large pile of prints will definitely be disposed off and the hard disk erased. However the large Blurb coffee table book has many of my favourite pictures including a few family shots. It is very unlikely that this will be thrown away.

    My Mother was very keen on family trees and records etc. and she always said ensure that photographs are labelled with the name(s) and date.
